Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Thin Red Line (1998)

This is the first film by Terrence Malick that I have seen, and I'm not exactly sure what I think about this film.  

The Thin Red Line depicts a World War II battle in the Pacific from the points of view of several soldiers.  Each provides a narration at some point in the film, expressing their inner thoughts on the conflict.  This film is filled with great actors ranging from John Cusack to George Clooney to John Travolta.  Nick Nolte delivers a powerfully angry performance.  However, Sean Penn and Jim Caviezel carry the movie as the "leads." 

This film shows the contrast of the horrors of war and the beauty of nature.  Beautifully shot, the backdrop serves almost as a supporting character and gives us one of the best final shots of a movie I've ever seen.  However at almost three hours and a slow pace,  It's tough to sit through.  Maybe with a second viewing I can appreciate it more, but now I just can't form a solid opinion.  It's a good film, but not great.  Not yet.  B-

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